As of 7:15 pm tonight, I (along with the rest of the
pre-teens in the Athens and surrounding area) will be watching the new Twilight movie. I resisted the craze for oh so long, but I finally gave in to the books a few months ago. I held out strong against the movies until last week when I watch both the first and second movie and purchased tickets to the third. I have no will power.
I, however, will not be wearing a Team Edward or Team Jacob shirt because let's face it I do not discriminate when it comes to hunky men. And if I were Bella, I might just find a way to make polygamy work. Sometimes you just have to think outside the box! :)
You are too funny and have fun! Hopefully I'll be seeing it at some point this weekend!
Oh girl! I am going tomorrow night with my mom and a bunch of co-workers! I am OH SO EXCITED too! I would totally get a Team Edward shirt, but I am slightly embarrassed! I have to agree though. Why discriminate when they both look so good!
haha, "sometimes you just have to think outside the box." that's fabulous.. i, too, am going to see this gem tonight at 8! granted, im NOT excited to sit in a theatre with a bunch of crazy tween vampire-wanna be's.. but.. hey.. i'll do what i have to, to catch a glimpse of my inappropriate barely pubescent boy-crush Jacob. i mean, it's not like im... 27.. married.. 35 weeks pregnant.. etc. :) HAVE FUN!!! :)
I hope you enjoy it! I have yet to join the craze, mostly because I have little time to read these days, and I have huge stack of other books in the way anyhow. I have heard good things about the movie though from people who saw the sneek peaks!
I would love to join you . It seems that I am the only one I know tha wants to see it. I guess I will have to take myself.
Hahaha you don't discriminate :-D I am Team Edward and a fan, even though I am too old for this! I got into Twilight because I had to find out what the whole fuss was about - they were on every single magazine cover and I was like huh? they don't look that special...
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