I have been away from the blogging world for a month. Boy how I have missed all of you! So I guess I left you wondering where I went. I wish I could say that I was whisked away to some tropical island where I spent a month in complete luxury but unfortunately that is not the case. I have, however, had a busy and exciting past few weeks. Here's a recap in bullet points.
- One night a week I have been attending Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at our church. I had heard such wonderful things about this class, but I have to admit that I was skeptical. I signed up thinking that I wouldn't attend, but I am so glad that I have been attending. It is, by far, one of the best classes I have ever taken. It has totally changed the way I think about money, and I could not be more thankful. I have to admit that my wardrobe is suffering a little though!
- One night a week I am attending an adult clogging class. I started taking clogging lessons in the summer, and I decided to continue on to the Fall classes. I love it, and it is such a fun way to exercise.
- I ditched my routine of going to the gym after work, and I have traded it for working out during my lunch break at our work gym. Now I have more time to cook supper and to take the dogs on a walk! Michael is loving my kitchen creations!! (Or at least he is pretending too. He's a very sweet husband!)
- I have been attending a few Georgia games. Our team really stinks this year, but I am still a fan! Plus, I still adore this guy (see picture below)! He is my coach boyfriend. I have thought about adding Aaron Murray (UGA Quarterback) as my new quarterback boyfriend, but I am still deciding.

- And best of all, I spent a whole week in my hometown. My mom and sister added an addition to their cute little gift shop, so I spent a week helping them clean and move in. I had so much fun getting to spend the week with my family. They worked me hard, but they also did a great job at spoiling me too! If you want a peek at their gift shop you can it on facebook. It's called Three Chicks a Hen.
I can't wait to catch up with all of you during the coming week! I can't wait to read all of the exciting things you have been doing this Fall!! Have a great weekend!! I'll be back on Monday to share a new favorite thing with you!!
Glad to see you back! And gooo Dawgs!
You should absolutely add Aaron Murray as your QB boyfriend. He's adorable! And what better boyfriend combo could there be than Coach and A. Murray??
I've been meaning to tell you that I love your blog, but I've gotten so behind on reading and commenting the past couple of weeks.
Hi stranger! What a busy month you have had! Its great to have you back.
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