However, yesterday was my lucky day! Unlike most people, I commute from a larger town to a smaller town for work. While driving through this smaller town, I happen to spot a junk store that had a few pieces of furniture by the road. One of the pieces happened to be a small table similar to ones I have looked at in the past, so I stopped to peek at the price. It was in great condition and only $29.99.
I tried to negotiate with the guy a little, but he wasn't having any of it. I think I need to work on my negotiation skills a little! However, at $29.99 I couldn't pass up such a sweet little table. I purchased it and immediately texted my husband to let him know that I just bought a table on the side of the road.
I think he was scared to see what I brought home, but I don't think it is too shabby for a roadside purchase. (Sorry for the poor photo quality. I took the picture with my phone). I think the picture hanging above it dwarfs the table a little, but I think I can solve that with a few accessories for my new table (maybe a cute bowl or vase, maybe a few books, or a small lamp).
That table is adorable! I would love it if I saw one of the side of the road. :) Enjoy and can't wait to see how you fancy it up!
Tres cute! I love roadside finds and thrift stores.
What a great deal! A nice picture frame and a lamp will make that table look super welcoming!
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