Keep an eye out for my giveaway, but until then I have to tell you about my new accessory! I have been seeing commercials for a new product by Goody. It's called the spin pin, and it claims to help you create that messy (but ultra cute) bun in a matter of seconds.

I couldn't resist buying a set, so I took a little trip to Target yesterday. I spent the rest of the night playing with them. The results?
* They are easy to use, but a little hard to master. I am not confident enough to wear them to work yet, but I would definitely use them during the weekend and on vacation.
*They are a little on the expensive side for a smaller hair accessory-priced at right around $6.
*I definitely think they work best on longer hair. However, they did just fine on my hair which is a medium length with layers.
Overall, I grade the spin pin at a solid B. It isn't a must have, but it is definitely a fun accessory to add to my weekly hair routine!
I think I am going to have to check those out!
I so want this thing!
I just heard about these a few weeks ago from one of my friends who bought them. She really likes them (she has a ton of hair, and it's long) but she said it did take her a while to get good at using them. I guess it just takes practice!
Pictures of resulting buns? I'm curious.
I need to check these out!
Very cool...let's get together for lunch soon! By the way, stop by my blog to enter in a baby/kid related giveaway! :)
I bought them a few weeks ago and a still trying to master them myself but I think they are cool too!
Hi there! Sorry work has been so busy for you and I know the feeling. This spin pin sounds great. I’ll have to look for it next time I go to Target.
Have a great weekend!
P.S. I left you an award on my blog. I know that you’re super busy, I just wanted to let you know ;)
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