Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Weight Watchers has Changed My Life or At Least My Stories!
A little background knowledge is required for this story. The Weight Watchers program assigns points to every food. The points are based on calories, fat, and fiber. Based on your weight and activity level you are assigned a certain number of points to eat each day. The average person gets around 25 points. It really is a great program and one of the most successful weight loss programs.
On to my story-Occasionally things go missing around our office. Staplers, tape dispensers, and other office supplies magically grow legs and end up places where they are not supposed to be. Before Weight Watchers, co-workers would ask me if I had seen the missing item and I would simply reply, "I ate it". (Side note:I realize this reply is a bit juvenile, but being serious and grown up has never been my cup of tea. I tend to tread on the lighter side of life.) Now after Weight Watchers, my reply has changed to, "I ate it", followed by the number of points it would be. For example, Heather is missing her stapler. Heather asks me if I have seen it. My answer, "I ate it. It was 37 points." It's a little known fact that staplers are very high in fat! :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Monday Edition: My Favorite Things

2) My next favorite thing is my new blog look! On Thursday, I was struggling with trying to find a new look for my blog. I tried a few free sites, but all of the backgrounds seemed a little too busy and not very pink chick. I found a great web-site that had great backgrounds at a very, very reasonable price! Only $10!!!! Her custom blog designs are also a steal! Check her out at http://shabbycreationsdesigns.blogspot.com/. Shabby Creations is great. She is so nice and easy to work with! She is also very fast!
3) My last favorite thing today came courtesy of Monograms and Manicures. I don't wear a lot of t-shirts, but these cute political t-shirts are just too much! Republican or Democrat, you can cheer on your candidate in style! There are several designs and shirt options!
I hope you have enjoyed my favorite things! I also hope you like my new look! I will be hosting a give-away soon, so keep checking my blog for a chance to win!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A New Look
I have also added the follower link in the upper right hand corner of my blog. I would love for you to join if you follow my blog! I also love new blog friends, so don't be shy!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Fun Tip for Today
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Why Old People Fart in Public: Mystery Solved!
On my last visit to my hometown, my sister, niece, and I piled into the car to grab lunch. We went to Shady Lane to pick up my favorite chili dogs in the whole world. Shady Lane is a little drive thru in Tifton that has been there since the beginning of time. The food is cheap, the place looks a little dirty (but it's not, it always gets an excellent score from the health inspector), and it has the best chili dogs east of the Mississippi. I give it 2 thumbs up and the fat girl seal of approval!
Back to my story (sorry I get a little off subject, I blame it on adult ADD)-While waiting at the drive thru for our chili dogs, my niece was up-dating me on school. She was telling me how there was a group of girls that were not very nice to her. I was explaining how we have all been in that situation, and that she shouldn't worry about them. She should just hang out with her friends. At that moment my sister chimed in with her words of wisdom. "Don't worry about what those girls say," she advised. "The older you get the more you really don't care what other people think about you, that's why old people fart in public."
I thought her advice couldn't have been more perfect. I also thought it couldn't have been funnier! My niece, sister, and I all had a good giggle while waiting for lunch, but more than a week later I am still giggling! Now I know why old people fart in public! The mystery has been solved!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday Edition: My Favorite Things

I am so in love with this skin care line. I use the day time moisturizer, the night time moisturizer, the regenerating serum, and the under eye cream. It keeps my very dry skin moisturized and even keeps those nasty fine lines and wrinkles under control. This skin care line carries a wide variety of products including cleansers and moisturizers for acne proned skin. Currently there are sample sets available for purchase at your local Bath and Body Works. The sample set includes a month's supply of the key cleansers and moisturizers included in the skin care line. If you are not happy with your current skin care products then give these products a try! I give them an A+, and I think you will too!
I also have a very special favorite thing today! My oldest sister, an avid reader of my blog and all around wonderful person, called me this afternoon to tell me about a new favorite thing that she has discovered. Her new favorite thing is the Reese's Whipps Candy Bar. I haven't tried it, but I definitely trust her judgement. It's chocolate and peanut butter-what's not to love! It also has 40% less fat than your average candy bar. That makes is 5 Weight Watcher Points. Most candy bars are 6 points.
I hope you have enjoyed today's favorite things! I am off to walk to the store across the street to try the new candy bar for myself! Have a wonderful Monday!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Show And Tell: A Tour of Omega (a small, southern town)

Our first stop on the tour is Omega City Hall. Omega City Hall is located right outside of the downtown area. It houses city officials along with the police department. It is one of the newer buildings in Omega being built within the last 10 years.

Our next stop is the downtown area. The downtown area houses several little businesses including Three Chicks and a Hen, a beauty shop, a little grocery store, and a hardware store.
A charming sign painted on the side of a building points you in the right direction if you are headed to the hardware store. I don't know why, but I love signs like this. By the way, the pink van is a delivery truck for a florist. Not sure why they picked hot pink, but I think it is a great color!
The newest building in Omega is the fire station. This isn't the best picture of the fire station, but at least you get the idea of what it looks like.
There are two main churches in town. The Methodist Church and the Baptist Church. The Baptist Church is where my mom and dad were married. The church used to be brick, but they had to stucco it due to a moisture problem.
The Methodist church is located right around the corner. I couldn't get a great picture of it because of the huge magnolia, but I thought I would share the snapshots that I was able to take.
Our last stop on the tour is Omega Elementary School. Omega School used to go all the way through high school, but now they just have an elementary school. My mom used to walk to and from school everyday. It was quite a walk, but she said that all the neighborhood kids walked so it was a lot of fun. I think her dog, Buttons, followed her to school most days too. Omega Elementary is currently under renovations, but I will share the pictures any way.
I hope you have enjoyed your tour of Omega! It is a great little town full of wonderful, friendly people. The next time I am in South Georgia again I will make sure to do a photo tour of my hometown, Tifton. Have a great weekend!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday Edition: My Favorite Things
Since I started my blog I have been addicted to reading other blogs! I love it! I didn't realize I was so addicted until I was poking fun at my Wonder Twin friend about her addiction to The Home Shopping Network when she told me that it was just like me being addicted to blogs. She said she didn't understand my addiction with blogs just like I didn't understand her addiction to HSN. Admitting your problem is the first step to recovery, but I don't plan to recover! I will admit it-I am addicted to blogs, but there will be no twelve step program for me! Instead, I will share with you some of my favorite blogs (other than my favorites that I have listed on the side of my blog). Have a happy Monday and enjoy some of my favorite blogs. Feel free to share your favorite blogs with me too!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday Edition: My Favorite Things

This jacket is much cuter in person! It is a must see if there is a Ann Taylor near you! It also comes in a mustard yellow, but I prefer the black! I tried this coat on a few days ago, but it hit me in all the wrong places! So sad! I'm sure it would look precious on someone who isn't as short-waisted as I am. I am still not giving up hope on this jacket. It comes in petites, so I am going to try it on when the petite size arrives at my local Loft. I am also waiting for it to go on sale. It is a little pricey! However, I am convinced that it would be a perfect addition to a precious Fall wardrobe.
How cute is this green jacket! I just found it today while online shopping at Ann Taylor Loft. I am going to have to visit this jacket in person! I will let you know how it looks, but I will be surprised if it is anything but absolutely adorable!
Okay, so those are my favorite things for this week! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment and share with me your favorite things! I love reading your comments and learning new things!
Oh and by the way, if I did an edition on my not so favorite things this week's not so favorite things would be porta-potties! Those things are absolutely disgusting. I think I would rather have my kidneys burst or use the bathroom on a tree (even if it is in public view) than ever use a porta-potty again. As you can tell there is a story behind the whole porta-potty thing, but I fear it is too graphic and gross to write about. I will spare my wonderful readers the horror that is a porta-potty.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm Not A Stalker-I just Strategically Place Myself!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday Edition (on Tuesday because of Labor Day): My Favorite Things

Blog Archive
- Weight Watchers has Changed My Life or At Least My...
- The Monday Edition: My Favorite Things
- A New Look
- A Fun Tip for Today
- Why Old People Fart in Public: Mystery Solved!
- Monday Edition: My Favorite Things
- Show And Tell: A Tour of Omega (a small, southern...
- Monday Edition: My Favorite Things
- Monday Edition: My Favorite Things
- I'm Not A Stalker-I just Strategically Place Myself!
- Monday Edition (on Tuesday because of Labor Day): ...