It doesn't snow much in Athens, GA, so when it does snow it is definitely something to blog about! We received about 6.5 inches of snow on Sunday! We haven't seen that much snow in Athens since 1983 and before that since 1942. I, on the other hand, have never seen that much snow. Here are a few pictures from our white weekend!
A view from our front porch:

A view from our back porch:

Our electricity went out Sunday afternoon and was not restored until Tuesday morning. We passed the time by playing a lot of scrabble, being very silly, playing in the snow, and cuddling on the couch.
Here's a picture of Michael playing with the dogs in the snow. The puppies loved playing in the snow, but they were also very happy to come inside and warm up!

Here's a picture of us warming up. Please excuse my outfit in this picture. I was in my comfy clothes!

My only regret from this weekend is that I didn't get to go sledding. I did get to peg Michael with a snow ball, so I guess I can wait for our next snow to go sledding! :)
Looks like such a fun snowy weekend!!! :)
Wow! Yall really did get it!
WOW!!! That's a ton of snow but I love the pic of you and the dogs (comfy clothes and all). {HUGS}
It's so funny when it snows in GA! All my UGA friends on facebook put up pics of the "Blizzard" in Athens. I heard it was the worst in Athens. It is so beautiful. I am slightly jealous!
The dogs looks exhausted from playing in the snow!!
I saw that much in Baltimore but it wasn't the same...I wish I had seen it before it had started to melt.
I love the picture of you and all the dogs on the couch- it's the same way at my house.. no room left over for us :)
I am so jealous... I'm on the eastern edge of virginia and I only saw a flurry :(
i just found your blog, so cute. i have family living in athens, so i just had to read up on your snowy adventure.
puppy love on the couch. too cute.
Your dogs are precious - they look just like our labs. Looks like ya'll had a good time in the snow. We never get snow either & actually got quite a bit for NOLA in December. :)
It was crazy, wasn't it?! I can't believe it, but I was a little happy when we didn't have work on Monday at all and on Tuesday 'til 10.
Wow! It looks beautiful!
Girl, wasn't it so fun!! I was in shock when I came out of church to find sheets of white snow!!
Snow is so pretty! I am ready for it all to be melted though and the 70 degree temps to get here! That's supposed to come tomorrow!!
I miss snow sometimes! We don't get much down here, and this last now storm missed us. It looks so pretty though :)
How fun!!
Wow, and I can't believe your power went out for that long! Yay for board games and good laughs!
Brr! That looks cold!
The snow was so pretty! They were calling for us to get 6 inches that day, but we got nothing at all. I was actually kind of upset. Don't worry about your "comfy clothes". I do the same thing and they are the best ever!
wow! thats alot of snow!
AWW look at your little fluff balls they look so COMFY! I cannot believe it snowed that much! So much for global warming...
Great snow day pics! It looks so pretty and the dogs look like they're really enjoying it.
We still have about 2 inches on our front deck and it is getting VERY obnoxious trying to walk over in the mornings for work! It seaps into the sides of my shoes! :)
How fun that you're the youngest of three daughters too!! We're two peas in a pod! :o)
oh how fun! I love snow when it is a temporary thing.
I just stumbled onto your blog! It is very cute.
Hey Pink Chick great picks! I love to look at snow. I just hate actually interacting with the white cold crap as much as possible. Too bad I live in New England.
Snow certainly is beautiful! And the doggies are cuddled up on the sofa?! Too cute!
Wow! That is so pretty..please send some our way to Texas it was in the 80's today! It's going to be a HOTT summer if it's like this!
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