Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm Not A Stalker-I just Strategically Place Myself!

Strategically placing myself began my freshman year in college. There was a cute boy in my college algebra class, but he dropped out during drop/ad. I was so disappointed. We had already started bonding over math problems. Leaving Chemistry a little late one day, I ran into him again. He smiled and seemed genuinely happy to see me. We even carried on a brief but meaningful conversation. Being smarter than the average bear, I figured out that by leaving Chemistry five minutes late I was assured to run into him every day. My friend laughed at me and told me that I was stalking the poor boy, but I didn't consider it stalking. I mean I wasn't following him to his car or dorm. I was only "strategically placing myself". Well, my strategic placement worked. He asked me out and we date a few months until he dumped me for a girl that looked like a man! Gross!
I hadn't thought about "strategically placing myself" in a very long time until last night. A friend of mine has been taking pictures for the media, and he has been able to get into some awesome places and meet some really neat people including Coach Mark Richt (UGA Head Football Coach and total cutie) and Uga VII (not really a person but a damn fine mascot). Seeing a picture of Uga VII licking my friend on the cheek posted on my friend's facebook page made me so very jealous. I commented that I wish I could get my picture made with Coach Richt like he got his picture made with UGA VII, but I didn't think that my husband would approve of me getting some Mark Richt sugar. I received a message back from my friend inviting me along to an event he was shooting where Mark Richt would be present! Really! Oh Glorious Day! I did have to promise not to kiss or lick Coach Richt though.

So, last night I went to the event! I had so much fun! I even took the big, fancy camera from work so I looked official. Not only was Coach Richt there, but there was also a number of football players there. I like the football players, but I was after a photo-op with Coach Richt. After all, strategically placing myself had worked in the past. Well, did it work? Of course it did! I have a picture with Mark Richt and Matthew Stafford (Quarterback). A big thanks to my friend who invited me along!


Jen said...

I am so jealous! The best I have ever been able to do is get Fred Gibson's autograph back in the day...

A Cincy Mama said...

Fun! and he is a total cutie.

Gincy said...

how fun!!! I'm so jealous! :)

So did you bowl with them too??? If so, who won?!