Lately, I have turned into the Coupon Queen. I love clipping coupons and using them to get great deals! I know, I am such a little old lady!
I usually don't blog about my couponing because I am not sure how my readers would like it. However, I could not let Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual Sale pass without letting all my blog friends know.
There are great deals from Bath and Body Works on-line. Many of the discontinued scents have been brought back and have a drastically reduced price tag. Also, if you spend $40 you can get $10 off using the code 9523 at check out (found the code on bradsdeals.com).
However, I found the best deals in store. I had a $10 off a $30 purchase coupon from participating in a Bath and Body Works survey. This coupon can only be used in store, so I popped in to take advantage of my coupon and the low prices.
I use body splash in the summer instead of perfume because I enjoy the lighter scent. I found one of my favorite summer scents (Wild Honeysuckle) on sale for $2.75 instead of $10.50. I also found several other yummy summer scents for the same price. I ended up buying 12 body splashes (some were priced at $2.75 and some at $5) for $25. (Original sale total $35-$10 coupon=$25) It ended up being a savings of $101!
Other great savings that I didn't take advantage of were robes and pj pants that were 50% off. Select wall flowers were marked down to $4. Of course, they always have a great saving on their hand soap during the semi-annual sale.
Many of the bargain basement prices are due to B&BW changing the packaging on many of the products. Products in old packaging are extra on sale! Now is the time to stop by Bath and Body Works-especially if you have coupons! Don't forget that it is also a great time to pick up a few gifts! The sale ends Sunday.
LOVE the BBW semi-annual sale! I usually stock up!
I was just there yesterday and they had such an overwhelming sale! I was finding it hard to find some scents that I liked. But the soaps were great.
The store is def better than online. I purchased the Ile de Tahiti scrub for 50% off, and it is regular price on the website.
I need to stock up! And I need to start saving coupons!
Thank you for the sale info! Please keep us posted on other coupons or deals you come across!
Oh thank you for telling me about this! I will be checking it out tomorrow!
Are YOU kidding me!!? Saving money honey is no shame!
I blogged about my "Victoria's Secret" semi-annual sale !
I.loved.it.(the sale- that is)
Very happy for you!
Keep me posted on sales in our area if you ever see them...I need to be shopping on the sale rack! :)
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