Monday, June 9, 2008

Card Carrying Member of The Fat Girl's Club

Those who know me know that I have never been a small girl. Don't get me wrong. I don't warrant my own zip code or special order my clothes. I do, however, curve in all the right places and even in some places that aren't suppose to curve. I am happy with who I am and how I look, but I always strive to be healthier and more active (and if that results in a few sizes smaller then yea me!).

Recently I joined Weight Watchers with a good friend of mine. I refer to her as my wonder twin. I love Weight Watchers, and I really enjoy attending the meetings. However, when discussing Weight Watchers it always seemed very boring. Weight Watchers this, Weight Watchers that, blah blah blah Weight Watchers. I decided to spice it up a little and call it The Fat Girl's Club. The Fat Girl's Club sounds so much more fun, and it even sounds exclusive-something that those skinny b*tches don't get to be a part of. Needless to say my fearless Weight Watchers leader didn't like my new and improved name for our group, but don't worry it doesn't stop me from being a card carrying member of The Fat Girl's Club!

1 comment:

mytwocents said...

Hi! I stalked you back to your blog to say thanks for the comment! I do believe my son is the most adorable kid that ever existed, but I may be a tad biased. He does say some funny shit, though, there's no way I'm biased in thinking that. :)

As for Weight Watchers, I did the Weight Watchers thing for around a year about a year ago (I'm not sure if that makes sense) and it worked very well for me. I've even managed to keep off the weight for a while. I have no doubt it would have worked much better if it was called The Fat Girls Club, though.