Browsing through all the sweet memories of our wedding led me to my favorite thing for today-my wedding shoes! I totally can't take credit for this idea, but it is such a wonderful idea that I just have to share. If you are looking for "something blue" for your wedding consider having your shoes dyed a baby blue. My bridal shop gave me the idea, and I immediately fell in love. They dyed my wedding shoes blue, and they were the cutest thing ever! My shoes were cute and fun and the perfect "something blue".

P.S.-Please excuse my ugly feet. I don't usually post pictures of my feet, but it was all in the name of shoes! :)
Pretty pretty!! And girl you do NOT have ugly feet. :)
That's a great idea and you DO NOT have ugly feet! You so crazy!! LOL
Gettin hitched in dec. - with pink shoes ;)I live life to the pinkest and see that you do too, nice to "meet" you!
what a great 3rd anniversary is coming up here on June 2nd!
OMG you are so cute! I love your sweet feet. Your feet are like super model feet. You have Heidi Klum feet! I have Fred Flinstone feet. My 9th wedding anniversary is on the 27th I treasure my pictures too. I was much thinner then:)
very cute! I love the shoes... And your feet aren't ugly!
Great idea. You almost can't even tell they're blue! Your feet are fine!!!!! I have really long, skinny toes if it makes you feel any better. I can grab stuff with them. Ha=)
LOVE your wedding shoes!
Such a cute idea! I love it and your feet are not ugly :)
Love the shoes - and your feet are beautiful :) I kind of wish I had thought about wearing colored shoes for my wedding. I think that would have been a lot of fun!
I definitely thought about getting blue shoes but I ended up loving the shoes that I found. Which I might add were only $49 and I got at DSW!! But, I LOVE the idea. Isn't is so awesome that you can buy the rights to your photographs now!? Our photographer GAVE us our CD and it was the BIGGEST perk! I find myself scrolling thru them all the time (I saved them on my desktop)!!
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